The mysteries of human consciousness and the unknowable nature of the brain, which is rubbish! The brain is the simplest organ in the body. It only has three bits. There’s the front bit, which is the bit you scratch when you come in at half one in the morning, and the person you live with says, "Where the fuck were you?". The middle bit, which tries to come up with the excuse. And the back bit, which plays the last song that was on in the pub.
Решил тут посмотреть новомодный сериал DARK (Тьма), который все хвалят. А сериал возьми да окажись немецким. — Что же делать? — подумал я. — Ведь я ж по-немецки совсем никак, это ж придется английские субтитры читать постоянно, так и не поработать параллельно, и не отвлечься даже.
Не сразу, ох не сразу я догадался, что умею не только по-английски, но и по-русски. И в кои-то веки могу просто посмотреть перевод.
— The point is, I made a mistake. A big mistake. But the good thing is that every time you make a mistake, you learn something. And what I learned, and this is the one thing I want you to remember, whenever you're about to do something that you know is bad, always, always, always look for the camera.