Студия разработки сайтов и приложений


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OctoberCMS станет платным

This means that as a business, the October CMS platform, its features, and processes now focus primarily on the needs of our professional customers. To this end, we have been working hard on a new release for over a year now, and it is ready to go.

We believe you will be pleasantly surprised by the new features and streamlined back end to October CMS to increase both its capability and ease of use.

However, we will also be moving to a new business model to ensure the continuity and sustainability of October CMS. October CMS will become a proprietary product and the licensing model is to be changed. Under these changes, October CMS will no longer be a free platform.

We believe that these changes are necessary in the interests of providing the timely and effective support expected of our professional users.

October CMS Moves to Become a Paid Platform

$9 в год за лицензию на один сайт, $150 в год за лицензию на произвольное количество сайтов. Если не обновляться, можно не платить.

Наверное, надо свои два плагинчика тоже платными сделать, раз пошла такая пьянка.
