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Extras в цитатах

Недавно добрые люди (в лице @fluffme) навели меня на чудесную британскую комедию Extras, кому-то возможно известную под названием "Массовка". Комедия - страшной силы и добротного цинизма, можно смело смотреть. Тем более, смотреть там немного - 12 серий по 20 минут плюс полтора часа рождественский выпуск. Комедия - про кино. Точнее, про extras - актеров массовки - и их нелегкую долю. Также в кадре присутствуют звезды первой величины: Бен Стиллер, Кейт Уинслет, Дэвид Боуи и т.д. Что значительно усиливает накал шуток. Впрочем, писать рецензию на комедии у меня никакого желания нет, а вот добавить цитат в коллекцию - это завсегда.

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There's that thing that they teach you at school. Chinese, Japanese, dirty knees, what are these?

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Catholicism, the "C" word. Not the "C" word, a "C" word.

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- The only person with money that finds me attractive is a teenage boy.
- Could be worse. He's a film star, he's got his own condom...

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— I've done it with a girl.
— What?
— I've done it with a girl. Intercourse-wise.

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- Barry. Don't look right away. There's a couple of birds over there. Without drinks. You know what to do.
- Oh, yes. Excuse me. There's a couple of girls over there, not drinking. So you should tell the two of them to buy something or get out.

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- Do we just go to the pub?
- That's the beginning. «Depressed TV star drinks himself to death».
- Oh, don't be daft. You're not a star, and being fat will kill you before the drink does.

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Please, look at his fat, expressionless face. He doesn't mean any of the things he said.

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- Why did Germaine Greer and all these feminists burn their bras? What was going on there?
- It was a symbolic gesture, to suggest emancipation from a patriarcal society.
- But a bra is supposed to help, stop them from getting backache.
- You couldn't tell'em at the time, they were furious.
- Bet they're kicking themselves now, with their boobs all saggy around their ankles.

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- As Henri Matisse once said : «Derive happiness in oneself from a good day's work, from illuminating the fog that surrounds us».
- Oh yeah? What are you working on today?
- I'm trying to get this dog muck out of a shoe, it's a nightmare.
